underworld rise of the lycans torrent
underworld rise of the lycans torrent

underworld rise of the lycans torrent

Director of underworld rise of the lycans torrent

Patrick Tatopoulos

Storyline of underworld rise of the lycans torrent

The prequel story traces the origins of the centuries-old blood feud between the aristocratic vampires and their onetime slaves, the Lycans. In the Dark Ages, a young Lycan named Lucian emerges as a powerful leader who rallies the werewolves to rise up against Viktor, the cruel vampire king who has enslaved them. Lucian is joined by his secret lover, Sonja, in his battle against the Vampire army and his struggle for Lycan freedom

When the human son of a werewolf is born in a cell, the evil leader of the clan of vampires, Viktor, spares his life and names him Lucian. He then forces him to transform other humans into the new breed - Lycan, and raises him as a slave wearing a leash to control his ability. Along the years, Lucian becomes a brave warrior with a great leadership over the other Lycans. He protects the aristocratic vampires during the daylight against the vicious and infectious breed of werewolves that are unable to take human form ever again. However, Viktor's daughter, Sonja, and Lucian are lovers and they secretly meet each other every now and then. Lucian unleashes and transforms in a werewolf to save the life of Sonja in a battle against the werewolves. However, Viktor sentences him to be brutally whipped thirty times and then imprisons him in the dungeon. Sonja saves Lucian and he escapes with other prisoners to the woods. When Viktor discovers that Sonja is pregnant and in love with Lucian, he locks her up in her room to force Lucian to return to the castle to rescue her, in the beginning of the feud between the two bloodlines

User Review of underworld rise of the lycans torrent

A friend and I went and saw Underworld earlier tonight, and let me tell you it's worth the ticket price. IMO the best movie in the Underworld franchise.
Patrick Tatopoulos seems to have taken the movie in a different direction, avoiding a lot of the lame vampire flick clichés.
The storyline is fantastic and more thought out. Action scenes aren't as monotonous.
All in all, Underworld: Rise of the lycans is certainly worth seeing. If you were a fan of the previous movies you are going to love this, if not then this flick may persuade you to come on board. However i don't think it was good enough to win the hearts of people who didn't like 1 & 2. I love it so much.

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